Wednesday, 20 December 2006


Joy of Joys! As if by magic I have been purchased a tin of Alphabetti Spaghetti by my christmas fairy friend, giving me hope for all manner of things. Admittedly it's not actually called that anymore, but what joy, what rapture, what delight upon opening the wrapping paper to reveal the golden light of Heinz Alphabetti shining forth.

I am a bit taken aback upon closer inspection to find that it's made from multigrain pasta shapes and is fortified with vitamins and iron. Whatever next? Nutritious Warburtons Toastie and red jam? Pot Noodles with health-giving properties? McDonalds burgers made from meat?

Oooh, but I would be quite giddy if it were possible to get 100% RDA of everything for robust health and be slender and glowing from a diet of - for example - golden syrup and hazelnut spread on toast for breakfast, a light lunch of Sports Mixture and a packet of those bacon fries crisps thingies and a box of chocolates and bottle of cava for dinner! Mmmmm. Ideal world.

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